Would you consider yourself a well-balanced person? Not in the sense of work-life or other aspects, but in your actual ability to hold balance? Oftentimes, being well-balanced isn’t as easy as it seems. A loss of balance and mobility can actually be dangerous for older folks, as this can lead to falls. Making sure that your balance is stable can help you avoid this and fortunately, a physical therapist can help you to regain it.

We invite you to take a look at the role balance plays in your life and how physical therapy plays a role in balancing ability. Read more below.

The Importance of Balance

Good balance leads to good posture and good posture plays a huge role in your overall health. Having balancing issues can be a sign of other issues, while also being the cause for some. Take a look at what can cause issues with balance:

  • Muscle Weakness
  • Stiff Joints
  • Lack of physical activity or too much sitting
  • Inner Ear Problems
  • Medications

These are just a few things that can lead to issues with balance. However, there are also medical conditions that can lead to impaired balance. Take a look at the following causes.

  • Stroke
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Parkinson’s

Diabetes and cognitive disorders can also lead to balance issues, fortunately, there are ways to improve balance with PT. But before physical therapy can help, it’s important to be able to recognize and diagnose balance issues.

How to Identify Balance Issues

Take note of the following symptoms:

When trying to stand up you teeter, stagger, or waver

Some people have fine balance when sitting or standing and this is referred to as static balance, however, when trying to do two things simultaneously, they lose their balance. This is referred to as dynamic balance. This is typically due to sensory issues such as vision and hearing loss.

How to Diagnose Balancing Issues

Meeting with a physical therapist allows you to get started with the diagnosing process. They’ll ask you some of the following questions:

Have you fallen in the past year, if so, how many times? How often does the room spin or make you feel off balance? Is it worse at night or in the dark? What medications do you take? Do you have trouble doing any daily activities?

And many more…

How Physical Therapy Can Help

Physical therapists are experts in how the body moves, making them a great option in getting help with your balancing issues. They may use the following physical movements to help you improve:

  • Stretching
  • Strengthening
  • Inner Ear Training
  • Visual Tracking If you believe you’re experiencing balance problems and are interested in getting evaluated, don’t hesitate to contact the caring professionals at Staats Physical Therapy. We’re here to help in any way we can. Click here to get started or give us a call at (732) 920-0880.